
pc 100 white color swatch pc 100 ecru color swatch warmed white color swatch ballet color swatch peony color swatch
White Ivory Warmed White Ballet Peony
camellia color swatch azalea color swatch geisha color swatch lemon meringue color swatch limoncello color swatch
Camellia Azalea Jupiter Lemon Meringue Limoncello
soleil color swatch kumquat color swatch persimmon color swatch reef color swatch casaba color swatch
Soleil Kumquat Persimmon Reef Casaba
bamboo color swatch kelp color swatch thistle color swatch powder blue wedgewood
Bamboo Kelp Thistle Powder Blue Wedgewood
zuni cobalt indigo PC 100 kraft tobacco
Zuni Cobalt Indigo Kraft / Paper Bag Tobacco
cocoa chestnut london fot turtle dove river rock
Cocoa Chestnut London Fog Turtle Dove River Rock
Magnolia Tourmaline Rouge Yellow Topaz Tangelo
Magnolia Tourmaline Rouge Yellow Topaz Tangelo
Serpentine Stem Napa Wicked Lavelite
Serpentine Stem Napa Wicked Lavelite
Majestic Aquamarine Zircon Peacock Lapis
Majestic Aquamarine Zircon Peacock Lapis
Coral Cameo Spun Sugar Osetra Pyrite
Coral Cameo Spun Sugar Osetra Pyrite
Ecru Micah Ecru Micah Diamond Boa Jupiter
White Ecru (Ivory) Diamond Boa Jupiter
Chrysophase Mystic Caspian Pennylite Bronze
Chrysophase Mystic Caspian Pennylite Bronze
black linen noir      
Black Linen Noir      
C - P - L - E C - P - L      
Availability: C = Cardstock / P = Pocketfold / L = Liner / E = Envelope

Cardstock colors shown are a matte finish. Shimmer finishes available here.
NOTE: Computer monitors cannot accurately display the true color of products. Please use images and swatches only as a guide for evaluating approximate color.